Meet The Cast & Crew



There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I like to think i walk that line every day.

Devin Bressler


The tall one that broke that chair that one time.

Bailey C.


Joined ZEN in 2014, graduating from a fan to a cast member. Theatre runs through his veins...well, that and coffee.

Lilly Hayes


Member of ZEN since 2016. Favorite roles include Janet in Rocky and Amber in Repo!

Dana Hulsen


 Being a long time theater lover, Dana has been part of ZEN since 2016. She is excited to continue her work with the company and putting on more amazing shows.

Paul Karan


Paul has been performing with ZEN for roughly 5 years now.  He also designed our beautiful playbills for recent shows.

Jenny Perugi


Opera Phantomess


Being around since the creation of ZEN, she has been a part of the group’s growth into what it is today. One thing is clear; there’s coffee in that nebula!

Jackie Repetti


 Been a member of ZEN Productions since July 2015. I enjoy working backstage and spending time with my fellow ZENnies. 

Ross Repetti


 Has been a part of the group since 2014. Looks forward to many more years with ZEN!

Gen Callen


 Writer. Dreamer. Zydrate Enthusiast... Gen Callen loves acting, modeling, and being a part of ZEN Productions. Her favorite show to shadowcast is Repo! the Genetic Opera and her favorite movie is Princess Bride 

Gina Valenzuela


Having joined in March of 2018, she's prone to displaying enthusiasm and clumsy endeavors that one day may bring herself or the house down, Greatly enjoys being part of Zen.

Sam Watterson


 Sam is 1 part stage crew, 1 part opossum enthusiast. Her specialties include rolling her eyes, falling, and forgetting the correct timing for callbacks.

James Quirindongo


Jordana Dlugacz


Founder, Producer, Director, Drama Mama and Elder Goth. This is her circus, these are her monkeys, and she’s the lucky Ringmistress.